Thursday, September 23, 2010

Summer of Awesome: The Theat-ah

Given that today is the first day of autumn, it's high time I recapped the end of the Summer of Awesome.  It's been a busy couple of months, and it's difficult to muster the determination to chronicle our life when we're so busy living it.  Rest assured, friends and voyeurs, that an onslaught of summery goodness is fast approaching to ease you into fall.  It's one of the many services we provide here at Me Show, Inc.

Two of the ladies from our bookgroup and I took our little girls to see The Green Sheep at The Seattle Children's Theater a few weeks back.  I found an advertisement for it in Parent Map and was intrigued by the idea of a play for toddlers, especially since all of my assumptions about the toddler-focused symphony were so far off.  Livy and I read the book on which the play is based a week before going to see th how, and I was really curious to see how on earth the SCT was going to transform a short toddler book into a half hour show.  It was really well done, though.  The play was a lively mix of music, puppetry, and storytelling wherein all of the parents and littles sat in a carpeted and fenced "pen" while actors used wooden cutouts, musical instruments, and silky swaths of fabric to tell the story around the pen.  If you have a little one in Seattle, I highly recommend the show.  Olivia was silently grinning and completely entranced for the entire perfomance, and the creativity and dedication to a craft I'd never imagined - baby theater - was inspiring.  It made me want to immediately drop what I was doing and become a puppeteer, definitely a sign of a great show.

After the show was over theater-goers were welcome to wander the pen, touch the wooden puppets, play musical instruments, hear a reading of the story all over again, and pet the elusive green sheep.  Livy couldn't get enough of all the action.  She kept her stunned and amazed look while frantically crawling all around the stage.

Dude, Mama, have you seen this place?


Good talking to you... Gotta go!

After the show we hung out in the lobby as each mama took a turn going to the restroom as the other mamas watched her daughter (Childfree folks, you'd never imagine the luxury of peeing solo.  Parents, can I get an amen?).  While there we found an enormous chair.  Hijinks ensued.

I can see my house from here!

All in all, it was a fantastic outing.  Great show, great play time, great babies, great mamas.  Hurrah!

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